Dragon Ball
A collection of characters from the legendary and popular manga!
Syvy Sarvida (Star of Hope)
Collection Items
Beerus [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸]
Voice Model
Future Trunks [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸]
Voice Model
Android 18 (DBZ/DBS)
Voice Model
Chi-Chi [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸]
Voice Model
Vegeta [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸]
Voice Model
Whis [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸]
Voice Model
Future Trunks (DBZ)
Voice Model
Piccolo (ピッコロ) (Toshio Furukawa) [Dragon Ball Z]
Voice Model
Chi-Chi (DB/DBZ/DBS)
Voice Model
Son Goku [DB-FighterZ | 🇺🇸] [All Transformations Combined]
Voice Model
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