Steven Universe
A team of magical beings who are the self-appointed guardians of the universe. Half-human, half-Gem hero Steven is the "little brother" of the group. The goofball is learning to save the world using the magical powers that come from his bellybutton and he goes on magical adventures with the rest of the Crystal Gems, even though he's not as powerful -- or smart -- as fellow group members Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Despite his shortcomings, Steven usually finds a surprising way to save the day.
Collection Items
Ruby (Charlyne Yi) (Who makes up Garnet)
Voice Model
Vidalia (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Peedee Fryman (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Sour Cream (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Bismuth (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
Jasper (Steven Universe)
Voice Model
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